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Small Fry


Directed by Park Joongha

Cast: Kim Howon, Leem Chaeyoung, Seonghwan

Best Actor, 2023 Jeonju International Film Festival

SMALL FRY takes us on a journey with Hojoon, a 40-something actor lost amidst the big fish of showbiz. Rebranding himself as Hosama, he becomes a splash as an influencer in YouTube’s fishing community. A botched audition drives him to seek solace at his beloved fishing nook. Yet these waters are anything but stagnant as fate swims him back into the orbit of a director he once aspired to impress. Into this swirling mix swims Heejin, an actress with her own stream of dreams. Except these waters aren’t uncharted: their life currents have intertwined before but under different tides.

Steered by the deft hand of Park Joongha, SMALL FRY mirrors life’s gentle eddies more than its tempestuous waves. Central to its heart is the art of fishing in all its iterations: Hojoon’s endeavor to reel in the director’s recognition, the director’s nuanced navigation for Heejin’s affections, and Heejin’s drive to secure a role in the director’s magnum opus. While its thematic waters might appear calm at first glance, the film dives deep with unforeseen twists and engaging dialogue, ensuring viewers remain baited.

Charting a course between the world of indie film and the expansive ocean of digital content, SMALL FRY heralds the dreams lurking just below the surface, waiting for the perfect moment of the catch.

– Anthony Yooshin Kim

Spotlight Sponsor: Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles (KCCLA).

Dates & Times


Edwards Mira Mesa

Tue, Nov 7
5:45 pm