- Short Film Programs
- 107 mins
Whether full-time or temp, stories that defy the work/life divide and remind us that some of the strangest fictions and frictions take place on the clock. Explore the uncanniness of the workspace from middle aged hazing, DMZ meltdowns, and the surreal food delivery hustle.
In this program
Clam Dog
Directed by Jeannie Nguyen
A fast food worker pulls a hot dog out of her vagina. Now a food deliverer is tasked with the ethical dilemma of serving a vaginated dog.
Directed by Teddy Ninh
Memories of a dad’s Chinese food truck collide with the strange synthetic prisms of 3D animation.
A Sweet and Sour Christmas
Directed by Aram Siu Wai Collier
Welcome to the world of chicken balls and a Canadian Chinese restaurant that is the center of life for the tight knit family who runs it.
Cuba Scalds His Hand
Directed by Abby Sun & Daniel Garber
Verite vignette bursts with a Latino, Japanese truck-driving, wrist-burning wrangler named Cuba.
To Each Your Sarah
Directed by Deokgeun Kim
Abandoned by her husband, a former queen bee suffers through hazing and nausea to work at an intestine cleaning slaughterhouse.
Air Conditioner in Panmunjeom
Directed by Lee Tae-hun
Temperatures and political tensions comically escalate as a South Korean repairman must fix a broken AC dangerously close to the North Korean side of the DMZ.
Directed by Jegwang Yeon
When the friend of a young factory worker dies during an immigration raid, trying to honor the dead reveals darker secrets.
Dates & Times
Unknown Venue
Mon, Nov 11
4:00 pm